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Find the official application in the options launched by the search engine.§ Tap the application.§ A description of the application and a download option will appear.§ Tap to download the application.§ Once downloaded, two options will appear where the application download option appears. To delete and open the program.HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION ON IOS DEVICESHere's how to download Instagram to your iPhone:§ Access the Apple App Store.§ Enter the name instagram in the search engine. You can also find it in the applications menu.§ Tap the application.§ Click the download button.HOW TO FIND INSTAGRAM ON YOUR COMPUTERPreviously, it was not possible to access Instagram from computers. Because it is a unique application for mobile devices. 

Later, the option to access the official website was added to Instagram. Here's how to get Instagram from your computer:§ Enter the search engine.§ Write on Instagram.§ Tap the official instagram option.§ The login menu appears immediately.§ You must have an account as a user to access Instagram.§ If you have an account, you must log in with your name and password.§ If you do not have an account, you must open one.HOW DOES INSTAGRAM WORK?Instagram was created as an application for photos. The videos were later added to the platform. There is a feature to add a filter to photos posted on Instagram. These filters are selected according to the user's taste. An instagram design has been invented to make it easier for your consumer to use. Over time, they added various features and innovations to the platform. The same design with features remains a simple use.After downloading, know where instagram is visible . Second, you need to know what the application offers and how its design works. When you access Instagram from a mobile device. You can see the different functions in both the bottom and top menus. The main functions of Instagram are:WORK GRAPHICThe timeline was the beginning of instagram. Where the user can see the posts of the people they are watching. From this point on Instagram, the consumer can view other Instagram functions

how to get more views on instagram

in turn is one of the most effective. Currently, users choose to present fashion items to the public, including women's and men's cl...